Major Projects

Here are the projects I am the most proud of. I worked hard and learned so much from each one of these. If you would like to see my featured project please head to the main page of my portfolio.

Recipe App

This is an iOS application that my group and I made for our CPSC 223W Swift Programming Class. This app allows you to search for recipes and then add those recipe's ingredients to a grocery list that is in the app. That grocery list can then be used while you're in the store shopping. We used the Spoonacular API to obtain any recipe data. This app was made alongside Storyboard and the latest version of Swift. I primarily worked on Storyboard/UI and getting data from our API requests to the application's UI.

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Pet Connect

This website was the first group project for my Web Front-End Development class. This was made with HTML, Javascript, PHP, SQL, and css. We used Bootstrap for styling as well. The website is meant to be a site you can make an account, take a quiz about your dog, and then you're able to set up play dates for your dog. My main contribution was the css and html of all the login processes and the quiz portion that is seen before proceeding to the home page.

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Covid Tracker

This was the final group project for my Web Front-End Development class. This is a website that tracks the number of COVID-19 cases, deaths, etc. This is done using the NovelCOVID API which is how the tracking data is obtained. We first used this starter code to begin the website, and then added onto it. This project was written with Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Gatsby. There are also different extensions we installed via npm that are used in the project. All these can be seen in the GitHub repository readme.

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Other various projects

Here are some of my other projects that show the progress that I have made throughout my coding/school career. These are a mix of school projects and personal projects to show my abilities as a coder/programmer.

Tic Tac Toe

An iOS application of the game Tic Tac Toe

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Change Dispenser

Program that determines the amount of change that is given back to the user in the form of dollars and coins.

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Edit Distance Program

Determines the number of changes, or edit distance, needed in order to change one word to another. For example, between "cat" and "cot" the edit distance would be 1. This is due to changing the "a" to an "o."

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Random Number Game

This is a terminal based game where either the user or the computer picks a random number and the other guesses what that number is. This game was written in C++, and I am planning on rewriting this game so that it can be on a web page instead of a terminal.

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